
The Rafu Mutsumi-kai (Los Angeles Mikoshi Association – California Non-Profit Organization) was formed in 1994.
Approximately 40 members are gathered to demonstrate traditional Mikoshi Parade in various festivals throughout United States.

We have been participated in the Nisei Week Grand Parade since 1993, and were invited to San Francisco Cherry Blossom Festival, Honolulu Festival, Las Vegas Aki Matsuri, The Thanks Giving Parade in Houston and many others. We received awards and letters of appreciation from various festivals for the effort of creating friendship between the US and Japan through Mikoshi demonstration.

Rafu means Los Angeles, Mutumi-kai means the group to help each other. We are literally that; helping each other to carry this heavy Mikoshi (Portable Shrine). Mikoshi was traditionally carried by the local youth to demonstrate the prosperity and good health of the community to the local guardian Gods.

The Rafu Mutsumi-kai has extendedly translated the meaning of Mikoshi to the symbol of friendship and world peace. Our Mikoshi is carried by the people of any race, nationality, gender and age, to celebrate the unity of our community.

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